5 Years of Accelar: Pushing the Triple Transition in a Digital Age

In an era of unprecedented environmental challenges, innovation and adaptability are key to creating a sustainable future. As we mark our fifth anniversary, Accelar stands at the forefront of the triple transition towards net zero emissions, nature recovery and climate resilience.  

Our journey over these 5 years has been one of growth, learning, and most importantly, commitment to driving positive change in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. In this blog, we take a look back over our tenure and look forward to the next 5 years.  

The Story of Accelar 

Five years ago, in the spring of 2019, Chris Fry and Charlene Caten started things off with a purpose to accelerate the green transition. Inspired by the pressing need to address climate change and halt the decline of nature, they founded Accelar with a vision that went beyond traditional consulting. 

"We saw great solutions and ideas out there, alongside huge potential for a green opportunity across the economy," recalls Chris. "But we also recognised the need for more rapid positive change in the sustainability and strategy consulting industry – a shift from just reports and data to actionable insights and implementable outcomes." 

This was crystallised soon after through our framing of the ‘triple transition’ concept, focusing on clients’ accelerated journeys towards net zero emissions, nature recovery and climate adaptation. Inspired by luminaries like Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, and Lord Deben, then Chair of the Committee on Climate Change, Accelar set out to piece together the complex jigsaw of sustainability. 

Thriving Amidst Global Challenges 

Just nine months after the inception of Accelar, the world was plunged into the COVID-19 pandemic. For many startups, this was incredibly dire timing. Though for us, this period became critical for establishing resilience and adaptability. 

"We expanded our team during the lockdowns, recruiting amazing people who worked with us for 12-18 months without even meeting us in person!" Chris shares. We were tasked with building a cohesive team in a virtual environment, which mirrored the digital transformation that had been sweeping across industries at the time. 

Despite the challenges faced, our turnover grew by an impressive 20% year-on-year, a trend that has continued throughout our 5-year journey. This growth wasn't just financial – it was a growth in impact, reach, and the range of solutions offered to clients that were, at the time, struggling with sustainability challenges. Our work on the TIES Living Lab programme in years two and three in particular was one of our big successes, and exemplified our commitment to data-driven insights and solutions. 

"It was great to be involved in such a collaborative environment," Charlene reminisces. "We were innovating with major infrastructure clients, product suppliers, and universities, focusing on metrics and benchmarking to drive change in whole life carbon, circular economy, natural capital, climate resilience." 

But perhaps our most significant impact has been in bridging the gap between sustainability goals for projects and places and the financial realities.

"One of our proudest achievements has been helping clients understand and tap into private and blended green finance," Chris explains. "It's a catalyst to accelerate their green transition, whether for nature recovery, retrofit programmes, or zero-carbon transport." 

The approach we’ve taken since our inception has earned us recognition over the years, including the SWM adapting to climate change award in 2022, and Chris’s spot on the prestigious ENDS Power List in 2024. 

Adapting to The Digital Revolution 

As the world continues its digital transformation, from day one we were committed to pushing to the forefront, harnessing technology that drives sustainability. The launch of four groundbreaking digital tools marked a new chapter in our journey: 

  • Acra (Accelar climate resilience assessment) 

"We're very passionate about providing good person-to-person engagement and bespoke advice," Chris emphasises. "But alongside that, we see digitally-enabled services as crucial for our clients. We're proud of launching these tools and excited to see them mature and increase their impact in the coming years." 

Building a Team of T-Shaped Experts 

At the heart of Accelar's success lies its people. From a two-person operation in 2019 to a dynamic team today, Accelar has cultivated a workforce of "T-shaped people" – professionals with deep expertise in one area and broad knowledge across many. 

In a word of advice to other businesses in the sector:

"Don't overlook amazing talent from different sectors and backgrounds," Charlene emphasises. “This diverse team has been crucial in addressing the complex, interdisciplinary challenges of sustainability, especially since there has been huge demand for ‘joining the dots’ in strategies and implementation” (which requires members of the team that can work across disciplinary boundaries). 

Accelar's commitment to nurturing talent extends well beyond its immediate team. Through internships and early career opportunities, we’ve made a significant impact on the next generation of sustainability professionals. 

Accelar's Vision for 2030 and Beyond 

As of this blog’s publication, we’ve helped 66 clients across 86 projects and have 4 digitally enabled services under our belt. As we celebrate our 5-year milestone, we recognise that our work is still far from over. With the critical 2025-2030 period on the horizon, we’re poised to play a pivotal role in scaling up action in the triple transition. 

"We're entering a crunchy time for net zero, climate adaptation, and nature," Charlene explains. "Out of this, we see lots of good pilot projects getting more traction, as well as the forging of new ideas." 

Our approach for the next five years is rooted in: 

  • Place-based solutions: Focusing on regional and local sustainability initiatives 

  • Co-benefits: Maximising the positive impacts of sustainability projects across multiple areas – for example it is time to get serious about weaving natural capital and community outcomes into the UKs infrastructure systems  

  • Digital innovation: Further developing and integrating tech-driven solutions 

  • Capacity building: Empowering clients and partners to drive their own sustainability agendas, and work creatively across value chains.

New services and analytical tools are being incubated by the team all the time but one thing is clear: Accelar is committed to pushing boundaries and delivering outcomes. Our own sustainability journey is an example of this commitment, on top of being a signatory of the Pledge to Net Zero, we also have a target to reach emissions lower than 10.5tCO2e by 2030, as well as a target to be less than 8tCO2e by 2035.

"What excites me most about Accelar's potential over the next 5 years," Chris reflects, "is the creativity and aspirations within our team and across our client base. We're not just helping people build careers; we're helping organisations build new capacity for a different future." 

Be Part of the Triple Transition 

As we look back on Accelar's first five years, it's clear that this is just the beginning. To our clients, partners, and supporters, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your trust and collaboration have been instrumental in our success. 

In 2024, the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development are more pressing than ever. As we enter this crucial period for our planet, we invite you to join us in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. 

Whether you're a business looking to embark on your sustainability journey, an investor seeking impactful opportunities, or a professional passionate about making a difference, there's a place for you in the Accelar ecosystem. 

Connect with us on our social media platforms, explore our digital tools, or reach out directly to start a conversation.