News: Nature Finance Impact Hub Winter Update
2023Guest Userbng, bng timetable, biodiversity net gain, biodiversity, green finance, nature finance deep dive series, Nature finance, Green Finance, nature based solutions, NEIRF, landscape recovery, peatland grant, nature finance impact hub, sustainability consultant
New Biodiversity Net Gain Legislation Announced
News: Leven Carrs Wetland Landscape Recovery project aims to expand environmental opportunities
Press release: Accelar launches new BNG Finder curated service
2023Cara ClarkeBNG, biodiversity net gain, biodiversity, BNG Finder, biodiversity net gain finder, innovation, sustainable develop, sustainable finance, green finance, nature finance, nature based solutions, ecosystem services, biodiversity units, ecosystem service trading, credit trading, carbon credits, habitat units, offsite, landowners, developers, BNG register, habitat bank
News: Nature Finance Impact Hub Newsletter (Q1 23/24)
2023Cara Clarkebng, bng timetable, biodiversity net gain, biodiversity, green finance, nature finance deep dive series, Nature finance, Green Finance, nature based solutions, NEIRF, landscape recovery, peatland grant, nature finance impact hub
Event: Chris joins Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors' Decarbonising the Future Congress