Posts tagged climate change
Insight: AI - a tailwind for the green transition?
Driving private sector investment in nature via NEIRF - final funding window
2021Chris FryNEIRF, Round 2, Natural environment investment readiness fund, green finance consultant, defra, environment agency, neirf advisor, nature positive, nature based solutions, climate change, water catchment, ecosystems services, habitat creation, nature finance impact hub,
Reflections on Sustainability written by the generation now picking up the baton
2021Michael Smithsustainability, internship, birmingham, environment, climate resilience, climate change, green finance, carbon, metrics, green data, sustainable development
Allocation of NEIRF highlights sixteen ecosystem services for revenue generation
2021Michael SmithNEIRF, natural environment investment readiness fund, green finance, nature restoration, climate change, environment agency, defra, natural england, Green Finance Institute, Accelar, advisory services, sustainability